There was another report in the media this week concerning the number of DUI arrests in Huntington Beach, Orange County. The Los Angeles Times article on Sunday April 3rd described Huntington Beach as the “Jersey Shore” of Orange County. According to the article, Huntington Beach is ranked number one in alcohol related accidents resulting in death or injury to a third party when compared to other towns of its size in California. There were 1,419 DUI arrests in Huntington Beach last year.
Huntington Beach Police Department files its DUI cases in Westminster Court, Orange County. There are two DUI arraignment Courts and one Pre-Trial Court mainly dealing with DUI cases. These Courts are busy every day of the week. The District Attorneys Office is struggling to keep up with the amount of new DUI filings and is often unable to file a criminal complaint prior to the due date of the citation leading to a delay in prosecution.
Penalties for DUI in Orange County have been consistently increasing over the years and the courts in Orange County are often more punitive than courts in Los Angeles County. This seems to make little difference to the number of people arrested for DUI.
If you have been arrested for a DUI in Orange County, please call Orange County DUI lawyers Gold & Witham to discuss your options.