Refusal and Forced Blood Tests
Gold & Witham
The police in California have been given the power to use reasonable force to obtain a sample of blood from a DUI suspect lawfully arrested, who has refused to give consent to a sample of breath or blood. The fact that a blood analysis is available to the DMV does not save the defendant from the one to three-year license suspension that results from a refusal to submit to a test. If the licensee was properly advised as to his or her choice of test and the consequences of a refusal, the taking of a blood test without consent still carries with it the longer license suspension even if the licensee justs sits there and lets it happen without struggling. This applies even if the blood test comes back below the legal limit of .08%!
In defending the court prosecution, many prosecutors will dismiss the refusal enhancement and base the prosecution on the results of the blood test, thereby avoiding the jail time associated with a refusal, but it makes it more difficult to convince a prosecutor that a defendant deserves consideration for a reduction in the charges if the perception is that the defendant was uncooperative with the police.
In many respects, a DUI based on a refusal plus a forced blood test represents the worst of both worlds.
Please call Gold & Witham for a free consultation if you have any questions about defending DUI cases in California.