Will I Have to Go to Jail?
For many people, the most frightening aspect of a DUI case is the looming prospect of incarceration. It's important to recognize that even for a first offense you may be sentenced to jail time. However, just because you have been criminally charged does not mean that you have been convicted and it certainly does not mean that you are going to face the maximum penalties. By getting our firm involved, you can trust that you will have a heavyweight fighting to protect you from going to jail.
Minimum Jail Time for DUI
For a first time, misdemeanor DUI, you may only have to be in jail for a few hours. For a second offense DUI (misdemeanor) within two years of a first, minimum jail time is 96 hours. Third DUI offenses within 10 years can warrant 120 days minimum in jail. Minimum jail time is more severe for felony DUI offenses. For example, DUI causing injury can warrant a minimum jail sentence of five days, even for a first offense.
There are many alternatives to jail that we can fight for in the even that you are convicted of driving under the influence. We may be able to argue for probation in lieu of incarceration, or other alternative sentencing measures such as the SCRAM bracelet, DUI school, and fines. When possible, our attorneys fight for alternative sentencing options so that our clients do not have to go to jail, and if so, for the minimum amount of time possible.
To get a better understanding of your likelihood of going to jail, contact a Los Angeles DUI lawyer at Gold & Witham today.

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Legal assistance is most helpful when it is customized and tailored to every individual client.

We Could Tell You Why You Should Hire Us, Our Clients Say It Better
"Personal Service with Results"
Anonymous -
"Kept me free and gave me back myself!"
Anonymous -
"FANTASTIC results!!! I could not be happier with these results."
Anonymous -
"Because of you I am still sober, and I live a whole new life!"
D.W. -
"I know you are the best in your field."
C.M. -
"Best DUI defense in town."