What If I Fled the Scene of the Accident?
The California Vehicle Code makes it a criminal offense to leave the scene of an accident without stopping and exchanging information with the other party or leaving contact information in a conspicuous place; notifying the local police department of the accident will also suffice. If personal injuries result from the accident, the hit and run can be filed as a felony.
Penalties for a DUI Hit & Run
Penalties for hit and run charges can include
jail time and high fines and the defendant's flight from the scene may also result
in greater penalties for the DUI.
Additionally, the DMV has the discretion to suspend the driving privileges
of a person convicted of hit and run. In the case of a hit and run with
injuries, the DMV will suspend the driver's license for one year.
Defending a DUI Hit & Run in Los Angeles County
An effective way to deal with a DUI hit-and-run allegation is to arrange
a civil compromise with the victim. Upon proof that restitution has been
paid voluntarily, many Prosecutors will agree to dismiss criminal charges.
If you have been arrested for a DUI with an accident and have additionally
been charged with hit and run, it is imperative that you consult with
a DUI Attorney that has experience in defending these serious charges.
Call Gold & Witham at (800) 716-6791 for a free consultation.

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We Could Tell You Why You Should Hire Us, Our Clients Say It Better
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"Kept me free and gave me back myself!"
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"FANTASTIC results!!! I could not be happier with these results."
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"Because of you I am still sober, and I live a whole new life!"
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"I know you are the best in your field."
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"Best DUI defense in town."