Gold & Witham Profiles
Gold & Witham is a full-service criminal defense law firm that includes not only the attorneys mentioned below, but also utilizes the services of several experts who will help you in your case. We make sure you as a client have every resource available to maximize your defense.

Jeffrey Lewis GoldWith over 35 years in the practice of law, including tenure as a Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney, Mr. Gold is a member of the Los Angeles Bar.
Nigel WithamNigel Roy Witham has tried over 100 criminal cases in his 30+ years of practice as a DUI and criminal defense attorney in England and California. He is a member of various prestigious organizations as well.
The following are experts retained on a case-by-case basis to evaluate the legal and scientific merits of each case represented by Gold & Witham. These experts are not employees of the firm and are free to exercise their discretion in each matter.
Henry Greenberg
A Forensic Criminalist, Toxicologist and State-Certified Forensic Alcohol Supervisor with 25 years' experience, including tenure with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Crime Laboratory, Mr. Greenberg has testified as an expert witness in 2400 drunk driving cases. He is retained, on a case-by-case basis, as a consultant to Gold & Witham in the evaluation of blood, breath, and urine evidence and will assure that your Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer is fully prepared to argue and any all scientific defenses which may be available if you have been charged with DUI.
Dr. Lexi Welanetz
Dr. Welanetz has over fifteen years in private practice. She is an independent consultant to Gold & Witham, offering personalized clinical evaluations regarding the causes and consequences of drunk driving cases. She is committed to providing you a fair report assessing all psychological circumstances unique to your legal defense before the Court.